1 About

This is the documentation of the ADViSELipidomics package. ADViSELipidomics is a novel Shiny app for the preprocessing, analysis, and visualization of lipidomics data. It copes with the outputs from LipidSearch and LIQUID for lipid identification and quantification, and with data available from the Metabolomics Workbench. ADViSELipidomics extracts information by parsing lipid species (using LIPID MAPS classification) and, together with information available on the samples, allows performing several exploratory and statistical analyses. In the presence of internal lipid standards in the experiment, ADViSELipidomics can normalize the data matrix, providing absolute values of concentration per lipid and sample. Moreover, it allows the identification of differentially abundant lipids in simple and complex experimental designs, dealing with batch effect correction.

The PDF version of this user manual can be downloaded from here:


If you use ADViSELipidomics in your publications, we appreciate if you can cite:

E. Del Prete et al. (2022) ADViSELipidomics: a workflow for analyzing lipidomics data. Bioinformatics, 2022, 1–3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/5.771073